Personalised French courses for non-French speakers

Many people settle in French-speaking Switzerland. Whether they are children or adults, our services can be very useful, if not indispensable. They may concern :
- language barriers
- passing diplomas recognised by Switzerland in order to find a stable job,
- refresher courses when the curricula are not identical from one country to another, etc...

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language courses for non-native French speakers

Here are a few examples of learners (children and adults) whom we help in a wide variety of ways.

An adult FLE (French as a Foreign Language) woman and her daughter, Canton of Fribourg

Originally from Paraguay - speaking Spanish and English and learning French.
On arriving in Switzerland, this family contacted us because their daughter didn't speak a word of French. In just a few weeks of intensive courses during the summer holidays, she learned enough to feel at ease. As soon as she started school, we were always there to help her continue her progress. As a result, she achieved satisfactory results in her first year and then excellent results in subsequent years. Then, the mother of the family also asked us for French lessons. Those lessons enabled her to pass the FIDE test and the B2 diploma in French, and ultimately to find a better job.

Adult man FLE (French as a Foreign Language), Canton of Vaud

Originally from Brazil - he spoke Portuguese and was learning French.
The French lessons he took with us enabled him to pass the FIDE language test to obtain his C driving licence. He then continued the course and passed the B2 language test, which opened the door to the world of work.

Several young children or teenagers, Canton of Vaud

Langue maternelle anglaise, russe, etc … Their mother tongue are English, Russian, etc... We are regularly contacted by families whose mother tongue is English or Russian, and whose children have difficulty producing quality texts in French. We help them to make considerable progress by providing them with appropriate writing techniques. As a result, they really enjoy improving their writing.

Boy, Canton of Vaud

He came from the USA and was learning French (American mother and French father).
Their son didn't speak a word of French. He had a complete block, but within a few months he was speaking fluently and happily. This has enabled him to make more friends.

Woman, Canton of Vaud

Of Chinese origin and working many hours in the restaurant trade, this woman contacted us to help her pass an exam specialising in the restaurant trade. The complex language used for this exam is already a barrier for many French speakers. Although she spoke fluent French, she called on our services to help her master all the basics required for this diploma. We even made voice recordings with explanations to help her as much as possible. This person was very determined to succeed. In the end, she achieved one of the best results for this specialist exam, proving that anything is possible when you are determined and receive personalised support.

Contact us to arrange personalised support